22 Jul

Hey guys!

Hope you are doing well.

Today I am going to share with you my journey through Reading.

If I may be honest, I used to never read. And in the very rare scenario which I did, I would only scan the pages, not even read it. That really backfired because my grades were low. My writing was very poor, my conversations were always boring and my vocabulary was horrible.

But that all changed when I turned ten.

My family and I had just moved to a new home and we were learning from home because of Covid19, so my mom got me and my brother a learning facilitator. At the beginning, I was a little scared, but through time, I opened up and learned so much. 

A month passed and it was crazy. I could not fall asleep at night. I had learned so much. But the part which surprised me the most, was my reading.  At the beginning, my learning facilitator at Diversify learning asked me if I could read every day. But guess what, it was not only reading. I was reading, writing and using strategies to help me and add depth. After a month, my reading changed so much!

Here are some of the strategies I used:

  •  Sticky notes
  • Predicting
  • Asking questions
  • Making inferences
  • Documenting what I wrote

And more!!

After a month of reading every day, I noticed some big changes. My writing got more deep and clear, my vocabulary increased and my reading itself got a lot better. But the real question was how did reading do all this?

It turns out reading is extremely good for you. It resets your brain from the busy world around us and stress. It turns out, some of the world's smartest people like Bill Gates and Barack Obama are so smart because they read. 

Reading new words extends your vocabulary. Reading other’s writing makes your writing better and obviously, reading improves reading.

If you are just like me, then when you are reading, you get lost. Every day, I read from when I wake up to almost lunchtime and I don't hear my mom calling me down and I forget to eat!!One thing I love about reading is that if we are lonely ( like in Covid19), the people in the book (for example Ron, Harry and Hermione in Harry potter), it seems you are there and you are on an adventure with them. This is why I did not feel so lonely.


Here are some books I really like and maybe you guys might like too!!

  • Harry Potter 
  • Land of Stories
  • All Kate Dicamillo’s books
  • Fish in a tree
  • Shouting at the Rain
  • One for the Murphys
  • Bud not buddy
  • Good night stories for Rebel girls
  • Bridge over Terabithia
  • And a lot others I can not name right now!

In conclusion, Please read. It is so enjoyable and relaxing. It is good for you. Just read. Whether it is five minutes or 5 hours, I don’t care because reading can change you.

Stay tuned for more books, reading clubs, and more!


This is a pic of my library!!


 Here is the website to some of Kate Dicamillo's Reading stuff.https://www.katedicamillostoriesconnectus.com/

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